Importing images
- Click the "Import" button, select the folders or the images you want to import, then click "Import".
- In the finder, select the folder or the images you want to import, then drag and drop over the image browser.
Selecting images
- Click the image you want to select. Hold "command" while clicking to select multiples images.
- Click a blank area of the image browser and drag the mouse until all the images you want were selected. Holding "command key" will add this selection to the previous one.
Adding images to the canvas
Select up to 20 images from the image browser, then drag to the drop areas that will appear in the canvas.
- Drop to the first one if you want to create a new spread with the selected images.
- Drop to the center one if you want to add the images to the current spread in the canvas.
- Drop to the right one if you want to set the first image selected as the background of the spread.
You can also drop directly to the spread in the canvas:
- Drop to a frame to replace its image with the first one in your selection.
- Drop to a blank space to create a new frame with the first image in your selection.
Adding images to the navigator
Select up to 20 images from the image browser, then drag to the navigator.
- Drop to the drop icon that appears over a spread thumbnail to add the images.
- Drop to a blank space between the spread thumbnails to create a new spread.
- Drop to a frame to replace its image with the first one in your selection.
Moving images between Spreads
Select the frames you want to move in the canvas, then drag to the navigator.
- Drop to a frame to swap its image with the first one in your selection. Hold "Option" while you drop to copy the image instead of swap.
- Drop to the drop icon that appears over a spread thumbnail to move the images. Hold "Option" while you drop to add instead of move.
- Drop to a blank space between the spread thumbnails to move the images to a new spread. Hold "Option" while you drop to copy instead move.
In the next video, you can see the copy behaviour of the same operations if they are done while holding the "Option" key.
Visualizing image information
To visualize the information of an image you have two options:
- Select only one image in the image browser, then open the "image information" tab in the inspector.
- Select only one image in the canvas, then open the "image information" tab in the inspector.
Also you can see some of this information in the subtitle of the image thumbnails in the image browser.
The warning icon is shown only if the image has some kind of issue such as it is missing, unreadable or has an unknown color profile.
Times the image is used across the album.
Number of stars rating the image.
The color label of the image. It will be gray if the image has no color label.
This icon is shown only if the image has keywords in its metadata.
Deleting imported images from my project
In the case you want to delete some imported images from your project, just select them in the image browser and use the "Delete" key.
Note that you won't be prompted with any warning before deleting. If you delete some images by mistake. Just undo the last operation using the main menu Edit > Undo (Command+Z).
Relink images
In some cases, the images you have imported can't be reached from Maqueteer. This can happen for various reasons: you moved the original images to another folder, the external disk where the images were located was detached, security sandbox issues and so on.
You may also want to replace some images that you are using in some spread of your album.
To Relink the images of your project, In the image browser, just control-click on the image you want to relink, and from the contextual menu, choose "Relink image". Then, select a new image from the file panel, and click relink.
If you have more than one image you want to relink, and these images are in the same directory. Select them all, and control-click on anyone, and from the contextual menu, choose "Relink selected images". Then select a folder that contains the images with the same file names.
Show an image in Finder
- Just Control-click on the image in the image browser, and choose "Show in finder".
- Arternatively, Control-click on the image in the image browser, and choose "Show in finder".
Open an image with the default app
- Just Control-click on the image in the image browser, and choose "Open".
- Alternatively, Control-click on the image in the canvas, and choose "Open".
Show an image in the image browser
To reveal an image in the image browser, Control-click on the image in the canvas and choose “Show in Image Browser”. If the image is not filtered, it will be selected in the image browser, which will be scrolled if needed to show it.
Set an image as the spread background
- Just Control-click on the image in the image browser, and choose "Use as spread background".
- Alternatively you can drag an image to the Background drop area in the canvas.